Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School


We love learning to be musicians just like Marlow!

The plan below outlines how we deliver and promote music education across the school

Expressive Arts and Design 

  • Listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.
  • Sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody. 
  • Explore and engage in music making dance, performing solo or in groups. 

The areas of the EYFS are essentially met through ongoing provision and during story times. The children also sing and dance for their Christmas performance, learning songs which they thoroughly enjoy. The children access different resources such as musical instruments, junk modelling to make their own instruments, songs and rhymes. They will also access a block of lessons provided by the East Riding music service where they will focus on pitch, melody and link this to the topic they are completing at the time. Staff ensure there is a variety of resources available to them and help to develop their imaginations and musical knowledge. Activities are linked to the whole school topic and are used to inspire lessons and creativity through music. Music is also played to calm the environment and as they walk into the hall for assemblies. 

KS1 (Years 1 and 2)

Pupils should be taught to:

  • use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
  • play tuned and untuned instruments musically
  • listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music
  • experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.


At Driffield Northfield Infant School Key Stage 1 children continue their music journey. To develop the skills already learned in Foundation Stage children have access to ongoing provision in year 1 where we provide instruments for them to explore, a block of music lessons linked to the topic of Fire and Ice using BBC School Radio, Jack and the Beanstalk which focuses on the singing, using their voices  expressively and creatively.  We perform a Christmas concert for the parents which includes singing classic carols, fun and upbeat modern songs and also sign language. Year one children have access to musical instruments in the ongoing provision areas and although these are supervised to ensure no damage to them, the children explore these and learn how to use and play them. In year two the children are taught music using BBC ten pieces music and also have planning for six lessons using the BBC school radio and its lessons on The Great Fire of London. Work is linked to the topics and staff have access to a long term planning folder produced by the Creative subject lead which has short term plans in it linked to the topics being taught. These can be adapted when and where needed. The children also have a block of lessons taught to them by the East Riding Music Service, this links to the I can statements in school and discussions of what is being taught are had between the subject lead and the music teacher. There is also a school choir for year 2 children where they learn songs and perform at different events in school throughout the year, for example Harvest, Christmas, Children in Need, End of year.



 Long term music plans - Google Docs.pdfDownload
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Year 1 music lessons Spring term 2024. We are learning about pitch and how we can describe different notes when we play the boom whackers. We are thinking about rhythm and beat too.  

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