Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School


All Moving Forward Together


Our whole school team is committed to providing an outstanding education, which is child-centred and community focused, preparing pupils for life’s journey, through exciting learning adventures every day.


 Prospectus Sept 24.pdfDownload
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  • "Outstanding staff, lovely environment. The staff are always willing to go the extra mile and meet the individual children’s needs without excluding any child." (Parent comment)


We achieve this vision through our school aims:

  • High quality teaching and learning opportunities for all, with high expectations and aspirations for everyone.  
  • A broad, balanced child-centred curriculum where children have opportunity and are encouraged to be courageous and enjoy life.  
  • An approachable team which includes children and families where everyone works together.  
  • An open and welcoming school which provides positive relationships, working in partnership with parents, families and the wider community.  
  • Inclusion for all where the unique nature of each child is valued and celebrated and everyone has respect for themselves and others.  
  • A safe, stimulating and inviting learning environment both indoors and outdoors which is inspiring and engaging.  
  • Giving children learning skills and confidence to take on the world now and in their future life.

(School aims devised and agreed in consultation with the whole school staff and governing body)


The children’s aims for our school are:

  • There are kind and helpful children and adults who work together as a team.  
  • There are kind adults to help them learn, keep them safe and always there to talk to if they have a problem.  
  • Everyone works hard and enjoys sharing each other’s achievements.  
  • There are lots of exciting and interesting things to learn.  
  • The classrooms are full of things to help them learn, with displays of their work.  
  • Everyone goes on lots of trips and we have interesting visitors into school.  
  • Lots of chance to work outdoors learning about nature and keeping fit and healthy.  
  • Families can come to visit, help with our work and find out what we are learning about.  
  • Everyone follows the Northfield Code of Behaviour.

(Children’s aims devised and agreed by School Council)